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Michael M. Norman, ED.D.

Create Your Next Workplace (sm), a 21st century career development program.

Michael M. Norman, ED.D., is a Seattle based professional mentor for college graduates.  In addition, he coaches young thru senior professionals in helping them identify and adapt to new work opportunities in our service economies.

Mike helps clients learn to continually reorient themselves, to working in ever evolving employment landscapes.   He applies his skills in instructing individuals in why, when, how, and where to look at the big picture they live and work in. More importantly, he listens to his clients’ understanding of the world.  From those observations he is able to critique their personal challenges and offer guidance in trekking in to the world of work with greater confidence.

Mike is a professional listener and “other-focused” individual.  Mike has taught and worked with thousands of professionals over a thirty-eight year career.  A sample of his personal experiences include: researcher and fund raiser for a major charity;  service development coach for mall-based retailers; director of facility operations for a state; undergraduate professor in management; adjunct professor of organizational behavior in MBA programs; consultant with for-profit, non-profit and educational institutions; admissions adviser for a major university in Missouri, and teacher in mental health facilities.

Dr. Norman is an exceptional public speaker, who engages his audiences with personal stories, insights, and highly interactive discussions.    For more information please contact him at:  612. 518. 2685

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